finished tree presents.jpg

Every year, I see other bloggers and vloggers doing some sort of Christmas countdown and every year I think to myself that I wish I had been organised enough to do one. So this year, although I still haven't been organised enough to do a countdown for the whole of December (I am also supposed to be writing my thesis!), I thought I would attempt a smaller countdown; my very own 7 Days of Blogmas. Make sure you don't miss a single post by following Isoscella on Bloglovin.

It's Day 4 of 7 Days of Blogmas which not only means that it's just 4 days until Christmas (yipee!) but means that I have a brand new blog post to share with you this morning! This project came about after eyeing up some gorgeous cushions on notonthehighstreet.com and wondering if I could make something similar myself. It turns out that yes, yes I can. Not quite as lovely as these copper tree cushions by Oakdene Designs, but considering these cost me a fraction of the price to make and I'll only have them out once a year, I'm super happy with them. Keep reading to find out what I used and how I made them...

1. Sketch out a christmas tree onto lino. I chose a really simple christmas tree outline with only 3 levels to make it nice and easy to cut out.

2. Carefully carve away the lino around the tree. For this you're going to want to use a lino cutting tool that can cut away the lino right up to the edge of your lines.

3. Iron the cushion cover until flat. To make stamping easier, iron your cushion covers. This is particularly useful if you've ordered your covers and they have those nasty creases in where they've been folded!

4. Mark on the cushion cover where the trees will go. Using a ruler, measure your cover and make light marks evenly distributed across it. This will be our guide for where we stamp our trees.

5. Spread fabric paint over a glass or plastic surface. Squeeze out some fabric paint onto either type of surface and spread it evenly so that it is larger than the stamp.

6. Press the stamp into the fabric paint. Carefully press your stamp into the evenly spread fabric paint. Before using, be sure to check that none of the paint has gone where it shouldn't.

7. Stamp over one of the marks on the cushion cover. Place your cushion cover onto a flat surface (or put a chopping board inside it) and press your stamp carefully onto the cushion cover over one of your marks. Once you've committed to a position just go with it, any adjusting at this point will just make a mess.

8. Repeat steps 5-7 until all marks are covered. Peel the stamp off the cover carefully and press it into the paint to pick more up. Stamp over a mark on the cushion as above. Repeat as necessary.

9. Use a paintbrush to fill in any gaps. Squeeze out some more fabric paint and use a brush to sharpen up those edges and fill in any gaps. 

10. Once completely dry, add a cushion pad.

... and that's it!

See you tomorrow for more festive arts and crafts!