Happy Friday! It's been far too long since I did a Five Faves Friday post and what better way to get back into it than by sharing some art prints that I've been loving recently!
Although I'm still only renting, I am always on the lookout for affordable art prints for when (fingers crossed it won't actually be too long!) my partner and I move into our own home. I love the Society6 website for this, where I do actually have a few of my own art prints available, because there is such a huge variety of artwork available. I'm loving quite minimal and monochrome artwork at the moment and so these five pieces just jumped out at me. As a self-confessed cat lady, I adore this print of the cat by Laura Graves and love the watercolour Zodiac series of prints by The Aestate.
1. Pinky Swear // Hand Study by Laura Graves
2. Phases of the Moon by Efty
3. Zodiac Star Constellation - Capricorn by The Aestate
4. You asleep yet? by Laura Graves
5. Entwine by Aby Bradley
Which of these is your favourite?