Make your own minimal and chic star light wreath in just a few steps!
I feel cheeky writing a tutorial for this craft because it really is so simple, but I’m so happy with the end result and even better it cost me less than £10. Celestial shapes, patterns and designs are quite popular at the moment and so I decided to have a go at making a star-shaped wreath with lights. This is a bit of a hybrid of designs I’ve seen in various shops at the moment (I talk about some of my favourites here) but I wanted to keep it really minimal (as usual!), and just used a single sprig of artificial eucalyptus. You could add any type of foliage you like, and you could even add a bow or some berries too with a bit of hot glue. Keep reading to find out what materials I used and how I made this minimal star light wreath for Christmas…
Starting with the end opposite to the battery pack wrap these around the metal wreath frame. Keep wrapping until you have used up all the wire and end on one of the points of the star. This is the top.
Cut off your desired length of faux eucalyptus (or whatever your choice of foliage is!) and secure this under the wire of the lights. You can add hot glue to secure further.
If you want to hang it in your window, use a command hook to hang the wire frame and command strips to hide the battery pack out of sight.