1. Gift Wrap for Christmas by Burkatron

2. Potato Stamped Wrapping Paper by Trendenser

3. Rosemary Wreath Gift Toppers by Spoon Fork Bacon

4. Printable Christmas Wrapping Paper by Homey Oh My

5. Twig & Pom Berry Gift Toppers by Rue Rococo

If you've just finished your Christmas shopping like me, you're probably now starting to think about wrapping them up. For years I opted for the shiny ready made wrapping paper that you can buy in rolls however nowadays I like to keep my gift wrap simple and when I can, to decorate it myself. A great way to do this is by making your own gift toppers or by stamping the wrapping paper yourself. I love the five ideas above and was drawn to them especially because of their use of nature in decorating their gifts.

Which of these ideas are you loving?

Happy Christmas Eve Eve!